Portland Walk-In Tattoos
We are Portland’s premier walk-in tattoo shop!
ALL of our artists take walk-ins, with some (like Ben Wilde) ONLY taking walk-in tattoos.
So…what’s a “walk-in” and how is a walk-in different from an appointment?
Is a walk-in tattoo for you?
What should you expect if you walk in for a tattoo?
Let’s discuss!
A brief description of what to expect when getting a walk-in tattoo:
You have a tattoo idea in mind, you know the art reference, the size, the colors you want, and where you wanna get it, OR you’re looking to do a flash tattoo, happy hour tattoo, or GWYG tattoo.
It’s small to medium-sized, i.e. it’s about hand size or smaller.
You have a budget and time to wait for your artist to draw and set up for your tattoo appointment.
You have at least $100 (our shop minimum). But keep in mind that the design and placement will dictate the pricing. We can always work within your budget to get you tattooed. However, the design may change.
Things a Walk-in Tattoo ISN’T:
Face/Neck tattoo — these require consults and deposits. Our artists will NOT do a walk-in face tattoo, sorry.
Overly complex designs. Keep it simple or book an appointment.
Something to do when you’re intoxicated. We won’t tattoo drunk or high clients.
A chance for you and all of your friends to hang out in the pit. Only the person getting tattooed will be brought back while getting tattooed.
In essence, a walk-in tattoo is for people who know what they want, where they want it, and have time to wait for it.
You can always call us and see if we’re on a wait to see how long it might be or if we’re all full for walk-ins for the day.
If we have time, we’ll put you on our waitlist and have you email us your reference so our artist can get a drawing going for you.
We are one of the ONLY shops in Portland to offer walk-in tattoos through 2020 and the Pandemic consistently. We always want to be a consistent place for our clients to get tattoos the way they want, which is often walk-ins.